A Goodbye Letter To My Addiction

If I was sad or depressed, they turned my frown upside down. To me, drugs and alcohol were my safety, my comfort, my constant companion. They made life bearable and less painful. This is an example, using a relatively mild drug, of what the patient can discover through their goodbye letter. What about something ‘stronger’, like heroin??

  • The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
  • I get to decide how I spend my time and with whom I spend it with.
  • Now the patient realizes there are better ways to get relief for any underlying condition besides the substance they’re addicted to.
  • You would think I would have accepted this by now—that you want us dead—after battling with you my entire life.

I started off every day trying to find you because I desperately felt that you could fix all of my problems. I fail now to comprehend why it took me so long to understand that you were the problem. I also question myself on why it took me so long to leave you ultimately. We may receive advertising fees if you follow links to promoted online therapy websites.

Start the road to recovery

Although, when I think about it, I have no idea what to say. A goodbye letter to drugs can often help in clearly seeing how drug addiction has been a crutch. By outlining drug abuse effects in your https://ecobackpacking.net/kasane-to-livingstone/, you can create a visual for recovery. At Resurgence Behavioral Health, we ask you to bring a journal or notebook to record your journey to sobriety.

I didn’t even care that you had zero concerns about what happened to me. Had I overdosed and died, you would have moved on to someone else in less than a heartbeat. But it didn’t matter; I was the person you had chosen at that moment. I tried to leave you so many times; but you just dragged me back into your pit of Hell time and time again. You had me convinced that I could do anything that I wanted to. But the real truth was that my addiction to you was always in charge.

Goodbye Letter to Addiction: Christina

I operate from a clear conscious and a full heart nowadays since I left you behind. It’s nice knowing you no longer have a say in my thoughts, https://soundkey.ru/alkogolizm-priznaki-u-zhenshchin-simptomy-i-stadii-lechitsya-li-zhenskii-alkogolizm/ my actions or my life, for that matter, and that I’m driving this bus now. I get to decide how I spend my time and with whom I spend it with.

goodbye letter to addiction


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